Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16th

The online course on building teaching skills through the interactive web has come to an end. It was a real eye opener  to me. First of all I found a huge amount of websites devoted to teaching with some useful material for my classes. Secondly I got acqainted with incredible tools that can be used in online or CALL environment. Finally I found myself in the community of outstanding and highly devoted teachers who inspired me to put more efforts into my job and approach it creatively.
On the other hand I wish I had more time to analyse all the material presented to us and perform my tasks more successfully. Honestly I didn't expect that online learning takes so much time. Yet I should bear in mind that it has been my first time in a course in English with the international audience and this might have influenced the speed of my performance too. Nevertheless I do not regret taking part in the course, because time spent on it was an investment into my professional development and future carrer prospects.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10th
This week I watched several new video presentations made by my students. The first one was quite weak, obviously lacked some editing. But the second one was just excellent. Everyone watched it with great interest from the beginning to the end . The speaker was rather serious, though the video itself contained some funny elements, nevertheless the whole presentation appeared well balanced. 
 This week I had to submit the final draft of my project in the online course 'Building teaching skills through the interactive web'. I don't have big hopes concerning the evaluation, but I am happy that I took part in this course, since it was very informative and certainly very useful. I also learnt about educational context in other parts of the world and could gain some new ideas from my colleagues teachers who deal with the same educational situations. So it was worth a try.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3rd
Last week I saw the first video presentations made by my students, and I must confess that I quite liked them. The only disadvantage was that we could watch and respond to them only in class. Some presentations were very scientific, others rather informal, but all were very informative in content. I realised that to make an academic presentation interesting to watch is not an easy task. It depends not only on what you say, but how you say it. Anyway, I believe it is a good practice for my students. Besides, I created a new blog for this purpose, which could allow comments from student pairs. I am planning to transfer all presentations from the previous site to this one. I hope it will work. Also I was acqainted with a new tool for audio/ video material online- ANVILL. It seems rather impressive.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 25th

Last week I read some material on learner autonomy. This is a very important topic if you work with advanced students. Yet I realise that I have to experience learner autonomy personally before implementing it in my classes. There are so many restrictions in our educational institutions. Teachers and students have to learn together how to work autonomously. A good example is my project with a blog. The first student had to upload his video presentation and he didn't do it. I wonder why... Tomorrow I will have to find it out.

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18th
Last week I started discussing with my students a new project of presentations online. The first reaction was quite sceptical- too much work. Yet it seems that I managed to convince them to give it a try. Actually I am a bit nervous because I don't know what to expect. Anyway, the first video presentation will appear next week and we will see the actually product of this idea.
Besides this week I created my interactive power point presentation on debates. Honestly, I am not quite  sure about its benefits yet. It would be nice to create some game on power point, though I didn't have much time for that yet.
I read different material about teachng big classes and was a bit relieved that I don't have to deal with this issue- a complete nonsence in teaching langauges. My greatest respect to those language teachers who have to work in classes of around 50 students and with no technical equipment! May God help them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12th
Last week I was rather busy, but managed to do something for the project I am planning to implement in the near future. I am going to create a blog devoted to students' presentations, where my students would put their video presentations made outside the class. I am quite excited about this idea first of all because it is always interesting to see yourself from aside. Besides, it could give a chance for all students to express their opinion about their colleagues' presentations.What is more, I used a new tool- rubistar to create assessment criteria  for their speeches, and I liked it a lot. So I am looking forward to the practical part of my project, which has a potential to make my lessons more interesting and attractive.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3rd
This week I have been looking through different websites for developing reading and writing skills. Reading exercises have always been a big headache for me, because I need some specific content. Yet I came accross one website, which is not actually educational, but contains lots of articles, quizzes and videos on different topics. I found some useful material for my claases too. Here it is :  Also I was lucky to find some stuff in other, more educational websites, such as and My colleagues seem to be real experts in this field. I am happy to be a part of their group.