Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8th

This is my first attempt to start a blog. And I'm not sure what to write. Well..... probably I should explain why I am starting it. The main cause is my students. As you've probably understood, I am a teacher. This profession requires continuous connection with your audience, you feel good when your audience is interested in what you are doing, you feel bad when your audience is disconnected. Besides, this contact is expected to be life changing- the audience should gain some knowledge and skills that improve their living, otherwise you do not perform your role properly. What is more, you usually deal with young people, who have to be moulded into some personalities, and your mistakes become apparent in their future life. Lots of pressure, isn't it? So why on earth did I choose to be a teacher? I have to think about it.........:)


  1. Hi Jurgita! I'd like to refer to Courtney's query of using blog for a class in our local context. What is your scenario?

  2. Good question, thank you:) Actually I don't have a clear scenario yet, but I would really like to involve my students into it as much as possible. For example, this blog could be like a platform for them to play the role of a teacher. They could provide some reading, listening or grammar tasks for their colleagues, and the latter would have to do them and comment on their usefulness. I am sure dicussion would be inevitable. There could be a requirement for one student to prepare one task for his class each week and put it on a blog. I assume this could help them to take an active part of their learning process and feel responsible for their personal progress. On my part, I would evaluate their contributions by marks or points.
    These are my initial thoughts, right now I'm just experimenting with my webskills :)
