Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th
It is quite obvious that the role of a teacher is changing with the time, but I have big doubts if this profession becomes extinct in the foreseeable future. Nowadays it is fashionable to say that a teacher is a facilitator of learning, helping students to choose an appropriate information for a particular case. He still needs to know a lot, but due to an enormous amount of information, his knowledge appears more selective and practical, which makes it more applicable in real life.  Furthermore, teacher's ability to socialize must be accompanied by his computer skills, since a large percentage of our daily communication happens on the internet, . It is not enough to be a good interlocutor in face to face situations in order to gain respect from the students, you need to be a part of an online community too. What does it mean to be a teacher on the internet and how is it different from teaching in a physical class? I hope this course 'Building teaching skills through the interactive web' will help me to answer these questions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vilnele,

    Your blog has already become an established place for you to work through different thoughts and feelings surrounding teaching and the role of teachers in the future of this technologically advanced world.

    There is a huge difference in the role of a teacher in a face to face setting vs. an online setting, but I think they are equally as important. I also think that online education can never take the place of face to face education, but it does offer opportunities that otherwise would not be possible. For example, without technology you would not be able to study through an American university with participants from all over the world. As an online educator, I act as a guide, or a facilitator, just like in my face to face classroom, but my role as guide really lies in the feedback I provide you on the various tasks that you will complete.

    As time goes on in this course, I hope that the workings of online education will become more clear. I think your pondering of the role of teacher and the changes that will occur as a result of online learning are quite relevant. We will see major changes in our lifetime in this regard, but whether it is online or face to face, the role of a teacher is always important. The setting may be drastically different, but I find both exhilarating. I love being able to engage in conversations like this over the internet as much as I love working with my students in the classroom.

    I'm looking forward to reading your blog throughout this term. I love how candid you are in your posts and all that you are contemplating. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!!

